
  • 850 Humphrey Street Swampscott, Massachusetts - Swampscott
    The new LED light isn't lighting at all.
  • 35 Washington Square Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
  • 748 Humphrey Street Swampscott, Massachusetts - Swampscott
    Just a reminder to reinstall and activate the crosswalk light now that Humphrey St. has been repaved in that area. The fixture was removed and is hopefully in the towns possession.
  • 138 Canal Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    If you're not going to repave Canal St near Crosbys for a while could you at least regrade it? The rain has taken a toll on the temporary dirt.
  • Sergeant James Ayube Memorial Drive Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    We could really use the mayor to intervene and have officers or other trained people manipulate the traffic along Bridge st and along North st. The Bypass Rd is consistently backing up to the Beverly line, it's essentially a waste of money as it's faster to go the old way. Every light on Bridge st has a complaint about sensors not working or things being out of sync. Posting officers at each intersection from 4:30 to 5:30 wouldn't take them away from their daily routine for very long and would do alot to calm motorists who are stuck in the mess you don't seem to have a plan for and has been going on for too long.